بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Ayaspell project [العربية]
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  Ayaspell project aims to provide Arabic dictionaries for free office applications like OpenOffice.org, Firefox, Thunderbird, abiword, gedit ...etc. This project is under GPL/LGPL/MPL tri-license.
   For the lexicon part of Ayaspell project, we are working to provide: 
  • An Arabic spellchecker dictionary: hunspell-ar (doc:arabic/pdf). The hunspell-ar dictionary is based on Hunspell the spellchecker's OpenOffice.org project ;
  • An Arabic thesaurus dictionary: thesaurus-ar , based on MyThes, (from OpenOffice.org project) ;  on web  (using sinonimi
  • An Arabic morphological lexicon: grammar-ar , for the grammar-checker ;
  • A Light Arabic spellchecker dictionary for embedded systems , like PDA, mobile phone, etc.

Latest releases
2009-12-19 OpenOffice Arabic Extension (Dictionary and  Thesaurus)  (508 kB).
2009-12-19 Thesaurus-ar_first release beta (443 kB).
2008-01-10 Hunspell-ar_20080110 (300 kB). Release Notes (ar), Bug reports (ar & en), Todo (ar & en).
2007-09-19 Thesaurus-ar_test (20 kB).


   Thanks to King Abdulaziz City For Science And Technology (Saudi Arabia),
to Cheikh Ali Jabir Al-ali Assalim Assabah (Kuwait) &
to Osmium Work Company (Morocco)
to ArabTechies Team
to ArabEyes Team
   for their encouragement and support...
    Ayaspell project is looking for contributors, sponsoring or donations, if you are interested to help, please contact us.... Thank you in advance!

Help and news
The blog (ar): http://ayaspell.blogspot.com/
The mailling-list (ar & en): http://groups.google.com/group/ayaspell-dic

For any question about Arabic support in Hunspell (programming) and Arabic Thesaurus: Taha Zerrouki (e-mail: taha_zerrouki@),
For any question about Arabic dictionaries (linguistic) : Mohamed Kebdani (e-mail: med.kebdani@).

Master Thesis about Ayasell (ar)
A Master Thesis about Ayaspell " Towards an open source Arabic spellchecker" , Ismail Hadjir ihadjir@
Other projects

Ayaspell project 2006-2010